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Mr. Nandkumar Katkar Saheb

Founded in 1990 as a humble tribute to Late Padmabhushan Vasantdada Patil, ex‐Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan’s Manohar Phalke College of Architecture, is essentially conceived and planned to be the centre of excellence to groom potential Architectures in all allied sections of construction and civil. Our dedicated and caring faculties await your enrolment to instil hope, inspire learning and create opportunity, as this institute is well equipped with infrastructure, qualified faculties and state of the art studios.

It is a great pleasure to lead the Architecture college as well which will have a repute of excellence among the colleges in the city of Mumbai. Our college has reached unprecedented heights of recognition through our academic accomplishments and innovative staff, which caters to the most technically talented young minds.

Our institute’s mission is to help you achieve your education, career and life goals. By choosing this institute for your architecture education, you have taken one of the most important decisions of your life and I assure you that this institute will deliver the best of your expectations. This institute has in‐house pre‐placement training programme to meet the requirements of potential employers in India and abroad. The guidance and encouragement is provided to aspiring architectures to become efficient and effective entrepreneurs.

The quality of expectations determines the quality of our actions. I feel that the younger generation shall dream a lot as it has been said that as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall be at the end.

I wish that teachers, students, and parents should understand that getting things done is not always what is most important. There is value in allowing others to learn, even if the task is not accomplished as quickly, as efficiently or as effectively. I wish that whenever you are asked, can you do this job? Tell them, I can! And then get busy and find out how to do it.

I welcome and congratulate all the students whose merit has opened the doors of education and once again express my happiness that you have chosen this institute as a next step in your educational endeavour. I would like to quote the words of great, Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful tool which you can use to change the world” And that is what we need to do, follow the teachings of wise and learned!

Contact Us: +9122 20847229, +91 9819-595-861